Properly winterizing your trailer is key at the end of the season. Sometimes the change in weather can sneak up on us so be sure to keep an eye on the dropping temperatures. Freezing can cause lots of damage throughout your trailer’s plumbing system; from the water heater to faucets, and pumps to toilets. Not only is it important to make sure the plumbing is winterized, but batteries do not do well in freezing temperature. If you plan on leaving your batteries on the trailer it is important to keep the fluid levels up and keep them charged. If the battery drains and freezes it will no longer properly charge. Solar is a great tool to keep batteries charged over the winter. Another good option is to remove them and keep them stored in a cool, dry place.

Vantage Trailer Service Department has put together a check list to make sure the plumbing system is winterized properly.

  • Turn hot water tank bypass valve to ‘on’ position.
  • Turn hot water tank cold inlet valve to ‘off’ position.
  • Before releasing the water pressure on the hot water tank make sure that it is no longer pressurized by opening up the pressure release valve. Once the pressure has been let off the anode rode can be unscrewed from the hot water tank. A 1 and 1/16th socket can be used to remove the anode rod.
  • Remove drain plug from the water tank. The low point drain is located under the water tank. It may be hard to see as they are tucked up between the I beam supports. This cap can be placed with the anode rod behind the hot water tank lid.
  • There are two low point drains at the rear of the living quarters. One for the hot water line and one for the cold. Once the water is drained the caps can be put back on the lines.
  • Turn water pump suction valve to ‘off’ position. This stops the water from sucking from the tank.
  • Turn water pump winterize line to ‘on’ position. This will make the pump suck from the white winterize suction hose.
  • Place winterize suction hose in plumbing antifreeze container.
  • Turn on water pump and turn each hot/cold tap open until coloured antifreeze is seen. (include toilet, exterior taps/showers)
  • Pour antifreeze down each sink/shower and toilet to keep drain and traps from freezing.
  • Wipe excess antifreeze spills from sink and shower. (To prevent excessive cleanup it is a good idea to have a bucket in the shower to catch the antifreeze.)

Other items to add to the list of winter storage preparation:

  • Remove food.
  • Ensure all vents and doors are closed.
  • Close windows and blinds.
  • Turn off appliances and propane.
  • Defrost freezer.
  • Leave fridge and freezer doors open for air circulation. This prevents mould from building up.
  • Make sure trailer is sealed properly.

At Vantage we put a guarantee on our winterize service. We guarantee the water system to be free of damages due to freezing from not winterizing properly.

Here is a video from Lakota Trailers on the steps described in this article.